segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011

Why Have a Meat Free Mnonday

Why have a Meat Free Monday

Meat free mondays poster
Why have a Meat Free Monday
Meat Free Mondays is all about helping people to have one day a week free of meat, but this does not necessarily have to be a Monday!!
This site is not just for vegetarians, it is for people who want to experiment with flavours and vegetables and discover that they can create exciting colourful meals without always relying on meat.
Eating more vegetables is not only great for your health but also good for the planet too! UN’s top climate scientist Rajendra Pachauri states that “People should consider eating less meat as a way of combating global warming. UN figures suggest that meat production puts more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than transport.”
The World Land Trust, an international conservation organisation that takes direct action to save threatened wildlife areas around the world, are supporting Goodlife in their Meat Free Monday’s campaign.
World Land Trust, whose patron is Sir David Attenborough, are helping to combat global warming by conserving endangered rainforests around the world by raising funds for their local partner to purchase threatened land and protect it as permanent nature reserves. The trees on these reserves lock up carbon which would otherwise have been released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, contributing to climate change. The reserves also protect all the wildlife that depend on these rainforest habitats for their survival. You can help! ‘Buy’ acres with the World Land Trust. To save forests and wildlife; visit for more details and to donate.
Meat Free Mondays is sponsored by Goodlife

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